On the yacht - freedom with the body, the rich show no restraint. The body of the female is on display, a spectacle that is unattainable to the working sailors. In the Italian economy, wealth is separated from the means of production. The wealthy men have all the power and a kind of counterfieit masculinity. The women accept/receive this masculinity because it comes with power and wealth, though it doesn't satisfy them because it isn't virile. In fact, it is feminized. The usurper of masculinity, the rich tyrant, is disturbing the natural order of things because he has only inheirited/received power. He never had to work for it - he received it like a pussy. He didn't take it with his bare hands, with violence, with Revolution. Worst of all, he is confusing the women because he himself is feminine, and true sexual passion must arise from difference - heterosexuality.
Clearly misguided and hysterical, Lanzetti was out of control. She was out of the control of her immasculated husband. Carunchiu rescued her from her gender confusion and took control of her with his bare hands, with violence, with Revolution. Only a real man with real skills, with rough hands who could fuck her so deep and also spear fish was capable of quieting her restless mind and telling her decidedly what her body was for.
On the island there is no separation of wealth from the means of production. Masculinity is virile again. But Carunchiu won't claim his prize immediately. He has been demonstrating his self control all along. With his restraint on the yacht while being forced to watch the cockteasing young wives sunbathe naked, he has been showing her how long he would be able to last. Every time he filled her with desire and then withheld himself from her he was telling her, "I will fuck you all night long, but only when the natural order of things is returned."
Lanzetti became accustomed to her new/ancient role. It brought out her natural beauty. It was the forces of Nature, after all, that brought them to the island. Nature was attempting to bring the system of gender and the economy back into balance. Carunchiu got his microscale Revolution. And when Lanzetti forgot her role, misspoke or acted out, she was swiftly punished - Finally, a man with authority! Someone who would set her straight, who would never let her become confused about her gender, ever again.
The Rabbit - God set Man on Earth to have Dominion over all living things. Lanzetti doesn't want Carunchiu to kill the rabbit, but she can't escape from the Laws of Nature. She knows he is an arbiter of Justice and she will be punished for transgression. He has to kill the rabbit so they two can live. Watching him flay the animal and skewer it through the ass, she cries. A woman must contend with/receive the devastating phallus. She is starting to realize that there can be no other way. She must be completely vulnerable to it even when it hurts. She is the Queen and she is the hunted animal. Her subjectivity is split like her genitalia. In order to eat, it is she who must be consumed. In order to survive, it is she who must be destroyed. At the moment when she truly comes to grips with her role, she tells him he is the Original Man, and she wishes she was a virgin for him. She asks him to "sodomize" her. But he accuses her of using middle-class words to trick and deceive him. He demands to know what "sodomize" means. This is the moment when we realize that Carunchiu's Revolution will fail. The Tyrant will keep his Queen and his throne. If she had fundamentally changed her allegiance, she would have said, "Do to me what you did to the rabbit."
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