Tuesday, February 26, 2008

There Ought to Be a Law

They just shouldn't be allowed to make movies in "English with a Spanish Accent," but Javier Bardem shines even brighter for the cholera-infested muck out of which he has tenderly arisen.  
Mike Newell's adaptation of "Love in the Time of Cholera" made me want to drop out of school and do this job right.   Are you with me?


zoe said...

i couldn't agree more, lenya. that was one sad adaptation. worse even than roger michell's hack job on enduring love. javier bardem is boss.

zoe said...

i think that instead of remaking "love in the time of cholera" we should devote our lives to worshipping tilda swinton.

Lenya said...

bummer to hear about enduring love - i've had mine eye on it for a while now.
but wow - 4 months 3 weeks and 2 days - i can't wait until i have time to write about that.