This afternoon Siyavash, Allison, and I went to a lecture by a Biotechnologist here at B.U. The title was "Feeding the World: Are Transgenic Plants Part of the Solution?" Well, this is an issue of great concern to me, surrounded by many misconceptions (please see previous paragraph) on "both sides of the aisle", as they say. This professor has done extensive research and is very excited about the contribution GM crops can make to improving nutrition throughout the world. Her talk was very interesting, and there were many areas in which I disagreed with her. During the Q&A, I told her about my concerns about environmental contamination and the disturbing trend of farmers becoming dependent on corporations to buy seeds every year, which goes against the goals of sustainability and self-sufficiency that she stated are important to her. She gave my question a nod and said we should speak during the reception. So, during the reception she said that in her lab they call Monsanto "Mon-satan" because such corporations actually make their work more difficult. The reason for this is that they push GM crops unethically and without sound scientific risk assessment, thereby undermining the concept that agricultural biotechnology can be used responsibly as one tool for decreasing poverty and improving nutrition. Well, I'm not saying I think it can or will be used that way, but it was fascinating to hear a scientist who works in this field criticize Monsanto that way.

Another interesting element of her talk was her work with a group called Harvest Plus, which is funded by the Gates Foundation. This group focuses on improving nutrition by promoting traditional breeding techniques. During the reception, she told me that the group sees biotechnology only as a last resort when traditional breeding techniques fail. I am impressed by this working philosophy and once again it seems like the Gates Foundation really did its homework.
Wow, it is fascinating that the professor wanted to tell you that semi-privately at the reception, and not in the public forum of the talk itself. Why not announce that important perspective to everyone? I guess you have to have a lot of restraint and sense to be a compassionate scientist in our market system.
That was what we were thinking, too. At first I was a little disappointed, but then I thought about what could happen if she was quoted in a student newspaper etc etc. It might have made her a hero to many, but she could have compromised her lab's ability to get funding. She made a point of saying she has never accepted corporate funding, but if you look at who has worked for Monsanto, its basically a list of higher-ups from past administrations Republican and Democratic. She has devoted her life to this work and truly believes that it will help people, so that is her first priority.
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