Friday, January 25, 2008


I would like to strike up a conversation about Juno. Of course Zoe saw it before me, and by the time I saw it she seemed to be having some doubts about why it was so overwhelmingly popular. With my rose-colored glasses on, I naively stated that it was due to the mature and portrayal of youth, motherhood, and marriage, although the portrayal of the abortion clinic annoyed me. However, as the weeks have passed, my feelings toward this film have soured. Some of this is due to its popularity, which is forcing me to face the real impact of its pathetic misinformation about and misrepresentation of abortion, pregnancy, and birth. As many things as there are about this movie that I am truly moved by, I am more deeply disappointed than anything else. After working at the Concord Feminist Health Center, I felt a sting in the theater watching the Juno scenes that took place in "Women Now," but I tried to laugh my heart sinks when I think of all the countless people who have watched this film and dismissed our hard work as some sort of militant dogma, where grey area and compassion are left outside on the welcome mat.

There are important areas of this film's content, but it does not present a particularly insightful depiction of pregnancy or the issues it raises in our lives.