Siyavash asked me, "What did you eat before you met me?"
"Collard greens, short grain organic brown rice prepard with a ratio of one and one-half cups of water to one cup of rice, dulse, celery, tomatoes, kimchi from Stoddard, a lot of raw garlic."
"And what did you eat when you lived with Abel Santamaria?"
When we share our lives and our home, eat the same thing as our companions every single day for nearly every meal so that even our digestive systems and sweat take on similar characteristics, this makes a great impression on us. There is no more thorough intimacy, because these acts penetrate the orifices beyond the point of any sexual act. They carry shared experience from the outside of the body to the very inside, and, as glucose and then ATP, to every last cell. They are transformed through muscle movement into each action we take as we live our lives. Sometimes it is a bond of romantic love that offers up this solidarity for us to masticate. On occasion, we may discover it as one part of a larger gathering of bodies toiling together, exhausting and rejuvenating themselves according to the same sunny cycle.
"Sriracha, Paul Brothers Roofing Beer, black sesame seeds, ginger chews, baguette and brie with red wine, Cabot cottage cheese, posole, gorditas...cheese sandwiches with tomato raw garlic mayonnaise and nutritional yeast. Anything from the garden. Ice cream."

"Fue de planeta en planeta buscando agua potable"